Movement, Posture, Ergonomics, Mindset, Nutrition

Fitness, Posture, Wellness & Lifestyles


 Health and Wellness Coaching Services


Mindy Gulas Kinesiology Professional Services

Mindy helps individuals and corporations improve physical function and health through posture, movement and mindset. She provides individual coaching and fitness programs, workplace wellness, ergonomics and injury prevention programs for corporations. Mindy has over 20 years of practice as a Kinesiologist applying the evidence based principles of human movement & functional neurology. Her core principles of mind and body incorporate self awareness and posture to prevent injury, and maximize performance (for fitness, work or day to day function).

This site links to current available services, programs and resources Mindy has created to successfully coach clients over the years. Please join a group, informative email list, or check back soon as more information is being added during this next chapter of working together virtually.

Mind & Body Transformation Coaching

The mind & body are interconnected;  most of us know what we should do, but don't understand why it's so hard to make these changes a reality.

Understanding good nutrition and doing the right exercise consistently is important, but I've discovered that transformations happen easier and faster for those who are able to master their healthy mindset.  

Health coaching can help you take back your own power and control, have self-compassion, motivation and the desire to take action.  Book a no obligation consult today to discover what might be keeping you from your best self.

Book a Consult Call

Take Control of your Eating!

Finding the resources within ourselves to control our eating can be tough, but it's possible.  People do it everyday, and you can too!  These people aren't any smarter than you, they just have different patterns and habits. 

The Metabolic Booster program takes you step by step to find the habits that do and don't work for you, to calculate your individual nutrition plan based on your body type, metabolic rate and food likes and dislikes. With knowledge comes power to make good decisions.  With this simplistic easy to follow system, you will be nourishing yourself with real whole foods,  eliminating cravings, and feeling nourished, not deprived as your body shifts to fat burning mode! 

Join the free Facebook Group!

Metabolic Booster

Find fun in exercise!

Some of us love it, and recognize the amazing invigorating and energizing feeling that we are left with after a great workout.  But some of us hate to sweat, feel awkward and uncomfortable!  Virtual or individual programs  make it easy, comfortable and safe for you get what you need out of your program. Save loads of time with Interval Training & High Intensity Intervals (my secret; minimal impact to save our joints!)! There's nothing better than feeling the benefits of a smart, safe and effective workout in minimal time, and all the gains to your health and mental state!  Interval 35 is designed for ages 35+ - check it out!

Interval 35


Kinesiologists are Regulated Health Professionals, trained in movement, neurology, physiology and biomechanics.  When you move better, your body functions better at all levels, including interconnections of neural pathways to your brain and your gut. 

Mindy's programs are designed to help you take control of the things you have control over; to improve your health based on the latest evidence based Exercise & Nutrition science.  Looking after yourself physically & nourishing your body with whole foods is the first step to a positive mental outlook (and inward look). When you are functioning and feeling your best, everything else becomes easier.   Exercise IS medicine. 

Looking for Corporate Ergonomics Services?

Ergonomics and MSD / Injury Prevention Services


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