Increase your immune resilience and vitality by understanding exactly how your immune system functions, and what you can do to make it better!
- 26 page Immunity Resource Guide, authored by Alexandria Crowe, Functional Medicine Practitioner and Mindy Gulas, Clinical Exercise Physiologist & Precision Nutrition Coach
- The importance of a strong immune system, and what our immune system is comprised of
- Best Foods for immunity
- Supplements for immunity
- Benefits of exercise for immunity
- Herbs for immunity
- Essential oils for immunity
- Sleep for immunity
- Stress impacts immunity
- Lymphatic system and immunity
** UPGRADE for only $10, for easier and faster uptake of this information, PLUS a deeper dive into each topic with our fully recorded webinar series. Each section is explained in much greater detail! When you register here for $9.99 for the resource guide, an option will pop up to add on the webinar if you choose ($13, 2 hours of explanation of the guide details).
The information in this resource is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information ONLY from the research of Alexandria Crowe (Rowan Health and Wellness Clinic) and Mindy Gulas (Mindy Gulas Kinesiology Professional Services). Alexandria Crowe and Mindy Gulas encourage you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.
This content is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease or medical conditions.
This content is not intended to replace medical advice or guidance from a licensed professional. Please consult your doctor or licensed practitioner if you have any questions regarding the suggestions made in this content, are taking any medications, physical or other medical limitations that prevent you from doing physical activity, or have any pre-existing conditions.
Use this information at your own risk. No results are promised or guaranteed.